Why Getting Over A Situationship Hurts More Than A Longterm Relationship — Thought Catalog

Getting over a situationship can be brutal… and the pain is often worse than the pain following a long-term relationship. But why? Why does it so hard to let go of something you never truly had? 1,307 more words

Why Getting Over A Situationship Hurts More Than A Longterm Relationship — Thought Catalog

Yes…Work Depression is Real!

There has always been a negative stigma with work. The typical movie begins with the main character scrambling to get to work on time only to be greeted with a villain supervisor who gives them a hard time. Then there’s articles with revealing studies on how the “Sunday scaries” have become a reality for many people dreading coming back Monday morning. Either way, work has never been associated with love, laughter, and fun. However, work depression is a completely different story.

Our parents and older generations may not believe in this concept of “work depression.” They believe in a person waking up, going in, getting paid, and going home. Well, the older generations that I am exposed to. However, for some or many people out there, work depression is a pretty serious thing.

Here’s my experience

I took a job some years back that was finally full time, presented good benefits, and a good salary. I know I had to stick with it until the end because this was my first really full-time job since graduating college. Although the job was challenging from day one, I continued until the pandemic approached. Every day was a struggle. I cried before getting out the car. I cried when I came into my own workspace. I continuously prayed even harder for God to work with me at the place I was in. I gained so much faith that I could create change where I was. I knew that He was going to do a marvelous work through me in that place. I knew he was going to do a work in me…but it got much worse.

I never heard of the term “work depression” at the time. Fast forward about a year and a half later, this feeling never went away. It had gotten so bad that my family noticed a change in my personality and mood every day before and after work. I started to lie when talking to my parents about my job getting better as they began to worry. However, I persevered for another year until summer break.

At the end of the year, I applied for more jobs. I packed all of my belongings with faith again that I would not return. I knew that God was going to place me in a new position. I worked hard staying up late to apply for jobs. I was literally obsessing over finding somewhere else to work. I took a position at a daycare center just to try it out and see if this was my new profound path. It was not for me. I told the director my journey and she was okay with it. However, I was back to square one. When school started again, I felt even worse. I tried finding another job, but it didn’t work. I was stuck going back to the same place that brought me to my lowest place-emotionally, spiritually, mentally, etc.

As the year began, it started out better than I expected. The students were on board with my teaching, following directions, and having a great time with the activities I had planned. Then the year began to take a turn for the worse. It’s like things got worse and worse…and worse. All of my best classes turned to my worse classes. Students were not listening. I was also in school and was trying to get field hours at the time. The lack of subs picking up jobs took its toll on us. I could no longer get any hours in during the school day. I was also ahead of the school morning announcements, so I had to keep up with all the updates for the clubs and sports, film it, and edit it each day. I was getting drained and exhausted. I thought, God was going to do something in and through me. This discouragement dove deeper in me.

I no longer recognized who I was. I prayed and prayed. I tried leaving motivational messages on my desk and encouraging myself throughout the day and at the beginning of each day. Nothing worked. I even tried calling the local therapy center to make an appointment. Nobody got back with me. I didn’t know what else to do. I cried more than I ever cried my entire life!

Time had passed and I was able to find another job and things had gotten much better.

I said all of this to say that work depression is very real. People may assume that it is not because you can go home. However, your work is your second home! If you don’t enjoy what you are doing or where you are doing it, it will bring you down. That time was very scary for me because I honestly did not know where my life was headed. Every time I tried something, it didn’t work out. I thank the Lord that He spared me through it.

So, if you see a coworker starting to feel down, please try to be there for them. It is hard on them. Though it may seem like it is nothing, you don’t know what’s going through their mind.

If you are in the place, keep trying for other jobs. Keep praying and motivating yourself, eventually things will get better. Sometimes it may be under new management, or it may be in another environment. That is up to you. Just don’t stop believing!

12 Must Read Affirmations to Help You Tackle Those New Year Blues

I’ve been there. The countdown of the new year began and it was fun for the first five minutes but you’re shortly reminded of everything that you are still facing in your life. The calendar has changed but your life has not. So here are some affirmations for you to tell yourself, write, or repeat on a daily basis to help your mood. The best way to life your mood is by keeping in mind that your mental state determines your outlook on life.

  1. Hold your head up, put your shoulders back, and walk the wonderful path ahead. You are serving with a purpose sis!
  2. Don’t give up even when you’re determined to give up.
  3. You have more strength than you believe.
  4. You are so beautiful!
  5. Stop telling yourself to quit and keep telling yourself to keep going.
  6. Every season of your life both good and bad are small pieces to the masterpiece puzzle of your life.
  7. Stop comparing yourself. Stop underestimating yourself. And stop second guessing yourself.
  8. It may not feel like it now but everything WILL be okay.
  9. God’s got your back boo!
  10. Stop being your worst enemy and start being your own number one fan.
  11. Stop worrying about what she is doing, who she is dating, and what she said on social media. Live your own life sis!
  12. You will get everything you ever wished for, prayed for, and dreamed of in due time. Wait and keep your head us sis!

Keep reminding yourself of these affirmations and stay positive. Everything will be okay!

My Favorite Christian Songs to Kickstart the New Year! — Spreading God’s Love One Heart at a Time

Originally posted on Spreading God’s Love One Heart at a Time: We have embarked upon another year. 2021 can be new, fun, and exciting when you decide to put mind over matter to have it that way. Life can get really hard and discouraging at times. However, just remember to keep God first and…

My Favorite Christian Songs to Kickstart the New Year! — Spreading God’s Love One Heart at a Time

Should I Still Go to Church?

After finally crossing over the threshold of adulthood, there are a lot of things that you can let go of. You don’t have to make your bed every single day, you don’t have your parents nagging you with a list of chores, and heck you can even eat your dessert before your meal if you want. You’re grown. You don’t have to answer to anybody else but yourself. Yes mama may still say some things and there are times when you still have to abide by what she says but not about your lifestyle right?

Well, this category of adulthood and new freedom comes along in every aspect. The topic of faith and church attendance usually comes with question. I know because I’ve been there. It’s normal. I mean all your life you followed your parents around. There was some progression when you reflect on the first time you got a chance to stay home by yourself, drive somewhere without supervision, and pay for the gas while your parent is waiting in the car. Again, it’s normal. You begin thinking about how you just want to relax and chill as Sunday vastly approaches. Then you think to yourself, “Should I still go to church?”

As a Christ follower and preacher’s daughter, I think you already know what my heart says. However, that’s not the point of this blog. I’m not here to put any pressure on you, judge you, or make you feel guilty. On the other hand, I will share some of my experiences and reflections as I went through this stage.

Sometime ago, I got sick. Since my church home is over an hour and a half away, it was not rocket science to dodge that road and stay local with a good bit of online church. This new age of somewhat freedom felt good. I thought about all the things that I can do and how it was quite okay to stay home every now and then. After a while, two weeks went by. Three weeks flew beyond me. Finally, a month had came and gone as I quickly realized that I have yet to step foot in not my own church but ANY church!!!

I felt a little conflicted. I thought about how nice it was to enjoy my two day weekend. However, I felt pretty bad about ditching my Heavenly Father amidst all of the blessings He kept giving me. At first, the guilt came and gone. But then I realized something. It was nothing for me to wake up, get dressed, and head to work like the building was on fire. If I needed something, I would quickly get dressed, go to the store, and buy it. Yet, when it came to giving thanks to my Abba (Heavenly Father) for allowing me the chance to see another week, I let it pass me by.

I soon realized that church was not made just for everyone to go and sit there. There’s true meaning behind that church building. Yes I still prayed, read my bible, and believed with all my heart. However, I was starting to feel like church was more of a task. Soon as I discovered that I started to make changes. I do love my church home with all my heart. My family is there and I grew up there. However, I’ve learned that maybe some Sundays I can start going out and explore other churches. So that’s what I did.

My sister and I have always noticed a church we passed on the freeway. Well, it’s a megachurch, you can’t miss it. I’ve always tuned in online Sunday mornings and Saturday afternoons but always noticed how crowded they were.

So, we thought, why not go there one weekend. BOY OH BOY!!! It felt like another world. The preacher still preaches the word of God. The volunteers greet you at the door with the biggest smiles on their faces. And their worship team is on fire for God! Church went from feeling like a task to pure sadness when walking to the car when church was over. I wanted to go back. I was on fire for God again.

Source: Matt Botsford

They also started a bible study series where you can study the entire bible. We decided to join. To connect and learn so much about the bible made us want to go even more. The atmosphere of the church felt like home. It was like going on vacation every weekend. I realized that this is how church should feel. It’s not meant to be a task. Church is a place that should feel like home. It should be a place where you can leave all of your worries, tears, and heartaches in your worship at the altar. It should be a place where you connect with another and lift each other up. It should be a place to share this intimacy through the Word to hear what God is telling us. Church should be an ear close to God’s heart. That’s why we should go.

I feel like what I went through was normal. I think a lot of people feel that they have to go to church and continue to go but never search for a church home. This is why a lot of people fall off the bandwagon. This is why they stop coming. Once that fire is gone, they get bored and think “now what. ”

I learned that Christianity should never feel like a chore. If so, talk to someone and receive guidance. Search out a loving church that teaches the love of Jesus Christ and His Word. Don’t stop until you find your home because God is speaking to your heart. You need to hear HIM!

More faith based blogs:

Finding Your Identity in Christ

5 Life Lessons for All Preacher Kids

3 Fun Ways to Celebrate Juneteenth with Your Family

Juneteenth has been around for over 150 years. This is a day that people are finally recognizing as a time to look back and  acknowledge how far we’ve come. Slavery is a tremendous part of the African American history. It does hurt when people say we should “get over it” or “move on.” This is part of our history. The strength and prayers of our ancestors are the reason why we have come this far today. Just like Passover was significant to the Hebrew people after God saved them from bondage, Juneteenth is a way for us to reflect and thank God for allowing our ancestors to be free from slavery.

So, I would wanted to share 3 fun and engaging ways you can celebrate Juneteenth with your family.

  1. Know your roots

Today out of all days should give you and your family the motivation to do some research. Local libraries have resources where you can look up your family history all the way back to your ancestors. There’s also different websites you can use to embark on this search or to at least give you a head start.

This is really fun because it allows your family to learn more about your roots. Hey, it is up to us to decide whether we will help our children understand their history. Who knows what cool things you may find.

    2. Juneteenth events and documentaries

There are a variety of documentaries and events you can participate in to learn more about Juneteenth. There’s no such thing as having or knowing too much information. As you learn more about this holiday, you will learn about the different amendments and rights that came along with it. If you have kids, this can aid them in understanding why the Constitution is so important in American history. It has amendments that will ensure that people, ALL people of the United States have rights. This can also lead to different discussions such as why the Civil Rights Movement was so significant.

These conversations are important because people fought for our rights outlined in our Constitution but not expressed to everyone. There’s so much we all can learn and now is the perfect time to do the research and have these discussions.


    3. Celebrate like it’s Juneteenth y’all!

Depending on the state and the history behind the celebration, there’s not one set way to celebrate this day. For instance, you don’t just celebrate with one food. There are different types of foods to celebrate this day. For example, red foods were essential to celebrate resilience among the African people. So, feel free to get out the grill and barbecue some chicken and pork chops. Grab some watermelon and some strawberries and chill.

Our ancestors have endured so much. This is a day to reflect, remember, and celebrate all the work they’ve done to help us get to where we are today.

Happy Juneteenth!

Additional Resources:


3 Major Reasons Why Now is the Best Time to Learn About Your Community

Honestly, I never would have imagined 2020 would be like this. Yes, I’m grateful for all of the blessings God has given me amidst this pandemic. However, I feel like we have been surprised by so many obstacles this year. As we are trying to get through the Covid crisis, the issue of racism in America has surfaced back to the forefront of all of our minds. The news, social media, and our every day discussions have shifted from the simplicity of life just 90 days ago. Now that’s scary!

Some states have just finished primary elections while others are still preparing. The hot topics especially for all of us in the black community lies along the lines of, “How can we make a better and safer place for future generations?” This is something that has been discussed for decades.

So we want to share 3 major reasons why we feel its important for you to learn about your community.

1. Learn more about your city

Several debates and hot topics have resurfaced about the divisive of this nation scaling back hundreds of years ago.

But how much do you know about the history of your town and state?

What do the landmarks and statues around your neighborhood represent?

What about some of the most praised leaders that are known throughout your community?

What do they stand for?

Do you agree with them?

Now is a great time to expose yourself and learn more about your town. For example, I learned that there was a group similar to the Freedom Riders who worked to desegregate the libraries in my area. Because of that, I feel more obligated to appreciate the rights I have to go my local library. I think about it more as a privilege that my fellow community has worked for me to have today.

This will not only force you to do some research but also feel more empowered by what different landmarks, areas, and groups in your community represent.

You may also be exposed to a truth of something you may have supported all this time that doesn’t align to your beliefs and morals. It’s always helpful to know what you support and the history behind it.

2. Learn about your rights in your community

Different states and cities have different laws. Some areas and states have laws that state that you don’t have to show your ID to police while others’ may not. Now we are not saying to not give your ID to police let’s make that clear. However, this is just one of many ways that you can learn and understand the rights that you have in your area. This may also include things like getting a business license and voting. It never hurts to learn and know your rights.

3. Find ways to support your community

Yes we will always encourage voting and we will never stop. Although voting is important, that’s not the one and only way to support your community. Rallies, city council meetings, school district meetings, and town hall meetings are great ways to learn about the local leaders and what is or will be done in your area. Some things may be addressed that could really benefit you, your neighbors, your child’s school, etc.

Over the past few weeks, we have seen some disturbing and alarming videos, posts,  and pictures. On the other hand, there have been beautiful videos, posts, and pictures. It just shows that there is good and bad in all areas at all times. We will always stress the good. We will always push the positive. We will also push the human in humanity. Amidst the fears, we will be praying and hoping to see a brighter day where all men will be treated equal. We have work to do but we are not afraid to get our hands dirty. Stay present, stay positive, and stay safe!

The True Power of Palm Sunday

Spreading God's Love One Heart at a Time

Today is truly a day that the Lord has made. For the first time in history it is Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Resurrection Sunday/Easter Sunday and majority of our churches are physically closed. Focus on the keyword “physically” closed because there are several churches that are still having virtual services right now.

Well what is Palm Sunday and why is it so important?

Matthew 21:1-11 states,

“As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them, “Go to the village ahead of you, and at once you will find a donkey tied there, with her colt by her. Untie them and bring them to me. If anyone says anything to you, say that the Lord needs them, and he will send them right away.”

This took place to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet:

“Say to Daughter…

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